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Posts By: MPP Global

Posted by MPP Global on Monday, 04 May 2020

Helping Media Companies Defend Against Churn And Revenue Loss Post-COVID-19

In our final blog in this series assessing the impact of COVID-19 of the media subscription industry, we tackle the question, “What will happen to subscriber growth rates after COVID-19...

Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 24 April 2020

What Our Clients Are Saying About The Growth Of Media Subscriptions During The Pandemic

This blog is part three of a four-part blog series covering the impact of COVID-19 on the media industry where we have unpacked the reasons behind the sudden growth in...

Posted by MPP Global on Thursday, 26 March 2020

7 Concepts Media Organizations Can Adopt to Overcome Challenging Global Circumstances

The present global crisis has introduced new challenges for publishers, OTT and Sports providers. Organizations are revisiting their marketing tactics to continue providing a great service to their customers whilst securing their business and protecting their colleagues and their families. The situation for subscribers is also diverse and complicated...

Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 28 February 2020

Black Friday Strategies for Subscription Media Companies

In the world of retail, Black Friday has been a hugely important date in the calendar since the 1950s, with the first day after Thanksgiving signifying the start of the...

Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 05 February 2020

Make Your Checkout Process Lightweight, and Prevent Abandoned Carts

It’s already the end of January 2020. How are those resolutions going? A new year gives us a focus to lean up, get better, faster, stronger – to improve on...

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