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Posts By: MPP Global

Posted by MPP Global on Sunday, 06 September 2009

Lower Costs With Mobile Advertising

Economic times are tough on everyone and one of the hardest hit is the business sector. Even in better times, it still makes sense to watch your business outgoings carefully...

Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 19 August 2009

eCommerce – a revolutionary way of doing business

Everything has gone electronic, even the trade of commodities such as books, music files or computer software, which a few hundred years ago required long journeys which would take months...

Posted by MPP Global on Sunday, 26 July 2009

Why text marketing will work for you

Mobile marketing is one of the trendiest forms of marketing that businesses are using today. Nearly every person has a mobile phone and everyone gets these mobile advertisements no matter...

Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 22 July 2009

SMS – your powerful marketing tool

When a business gets stuck in a rut with the same old and over-used marketing strategies it is time to look around for fresh ideas. To know what is happening,...

Posted by MPP Global on Monday, 06 July 2009

A New World

When it comes to effective media for advertising, nothing works quite as well as video streaming does. Advertising is an incredibly important part of running a business and, as such, you need...

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