MPP Global has been acquired by Aptitude Software, the specialist provider of subscription & finance solutions. We have now merged brands and migrated our website to Aptitude Software.

Posts By: Julian Morelis

Posted by Julian Morelis on Wednesday, 09 December 2015

Personalization and Promotions: Reach Out to Consumers this Holiday Season

Everyone is interested in a good offer. Whether this is a discount on your meal or a reduced rate for an online subscription. With the holiday season upon us everyone...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What’s your Black Friday Strategy? Are you Embracing the Opportunities?

There is a misconception that Black Friday only truly pays off for retailers (over £800 million was spent on Black Friday in the UK last year), while in fact, content...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Wednesday, 02 September 2015

The Power of Community: Advantages of Joining Up Paid Content and Social Media Strategies

Digital has forever changed the content industry. While organizations look to embrace paid digital content strategies, there is one key area which also needs considering. Social media networks are growing...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Tuesday, 02 June 2015

Using Social to Improve Customer Experience

We have seen more and more consumers accessing their content online, so much so that digital monetization strategies are key in media and entertainment companies. With this in mind, consumers...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Wednesday, 15 April 2015

New Approaches to Digital Content Monetization

The number of media and entertainment companies moving into the digital content world continues to grow. With more people admitting to paying for digital news in the last year, many...


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