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Posts By: MPP Global

Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 01 April 2011

The Future’s Bright, the Future’s Connected

Connected-TV signals a major shift in the way in which consumers will receive television content in the future. Video on demand and catch up are already very popular in the UK...

Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 25 March 2011

The Times, They are a-Changin!

Publishers can no longer expect consumers to buy a subscription to one format, such as print and then to pay again for another format, such as iPad or web. The integration of...

Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Connected Home Content Monetisation: IPTV 2011

Today marks the first day of the IPTV World Forum at London’s Olympia, and with it certain hot topics are likely to be in the minds of attendees, particularly the monetisation of...

Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 18 March 2011

Monetising Digital Content is Big News for Publishers

Over the last 12 months Rupert Murdoch has been steadfast in his commitment to the shift from offline to online content and the monetisation of said digital content. Whilst other...

Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Google and Apple to Struggle with Payment Services

With the launch of new payment services recently by Apple and Google, the subject of PayPal’s dominance has come under question. However, there will be a few lessons to learn...

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