MPP Global has been acquired by Aptitude Software, the specialist provider of subscription & finance solutions. We have now merged brands and migrated our website to Aptitude Software.

Posts Categorized: Broadcast & OTT

Posted by Julian Morelis on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What’s your Black Friday Strategy? Are you Embracing the Opportunities?

There is a misconception that Black Friday only truly pays off for retailers (over £800 million was spent on Black Friday in the UK last year), while in fact, content...

Posted by Scott O'Neill on Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Cablefax TV Innovation Summit: How are Skinny Bundles Changing the Video Content Industry?

Following the Cablefax TV Innovation Summit, where MPP Global’s CEO spoke on the OTT, TVE and Skinny Bundles panel, Scott O’Neill discusses how the TV industry is evolving and the...

Posted by Ben Catterall on Wednesday, 09 September 2015

Build vs Buy: The Right Approach to your Digital Monetization Strategy

Many media businesses looking to grow their digital revenues face the same question; “Do we build a new platform, or do we buy one?” Both options offer benefits and opportunities,...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Wednesday, 02 September 2015

The Power of Community: Advantages of Joining Up Paid Content and Social Media Strategies

Digital has forever changed the content industry. While organizations look to embrace paid digital content strategies, there is one key area which also needs considering. Social media networks are growing...

Posted by Sian Ciabattoni on Thursday, 27 August 2015

How to Use Consumer Data to Generate Advanced User Profiles

The consumption of video content is rapidly changing with the emergence of new technologies, streaming services and the continued growth of mobile devices, leading content owners to adapt quickly and...

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